1. ‘Constructions of the Histories of Early
Christianity’ (Cilliers Breytenbach and Clare Rothschild) – terminates in 2020
(Biegenstraße 12, Room: 0022)
Joseph Verheyden (Belgium) – respondent: Henk Jan de Jonge (Netherlands)
Johan Thom (South Africa) – respondent: Paul Foster (UK)
Lee McDonald (USA) – respondent: Cilliers Breytenbach (Germany)
2. ‘The Greek of the New Testament’ (Paul
Danove, Jesús Peláez and James Voelz) – terminates in 2019
(Biegenstraße 12, Room: 0013)
James Voelz (USA), ‘Standard/Classical Greek Grammatical Features in the Gospel according
to Mark and their Importance for Interpretation’
Stanley Porter (Canada), ‘Linguistic Stylistics and the Possibilities of New Testament
Adelbert Denaux (Belgium), ‘Semitisms in the Gospel of Luke’
3. ‘Inhalte und Probleme einer neutestamentlichen Theologie’ (Christof Landmesser and Mark Seifrid) – terminates in 2019
(Sprachatlas/Pilgrimmstein 16, Room: 001)
Thomas Söding (Germany), ‘Kerygma ohne Jesus? Bultmanns Paulusbild als Provokation’
Andreas Lindemann (Germany), ‘“Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition” und die hermeneutische Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns’
Stephen Hultgren (Australia), ‘Event, Word, Faith: (Critically) Engaging Bultmann in Johannine Theology’
4. ‘The Johannine Writings’ (Jörg Frey,
Christina Hoegen-Rohls and Catrin Williams) – terminates in 2020
(HG +1/0120)
Jörg Frey (Switzerland), ‘The Farewell Discourses in Scholarly Discussion’ – respondent:
Christina Hoegen-Rohls (Germany)
Martin Winter (Germany), ‘Die Gattungsfrage in Johannes 13–17 im neueren Diskurs’ –
respondent: Craig Koester (USA)
Klaus Scholtissek (guest, Germany), ‘Jesu Abschied? Liebe, Einwohnung und Geist in
Johannes 14’ – respondent: Olivia Rahmsdorf (guest, Germany)
5. ‘The Development of Early Christian Ethics within its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts’ (Matthias Konradt and William Loader) – terminates in 2020
(HG +1/0060)
Stefan Schreiber (Germany), ‘Der politische Lukas. Zur kulturellen Interaktion des
lukanischen Doppelwerks mit dem Imperium Romanum’ – respondent: Christfried Böttrich (Germany)
Kathy Ehrensperger (Germany), ‘“Every Tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord’
(Philippians 2:11) and Subordination to the Ruling Powers – Struggling with Paul in the Shadow of the Empire’ – respondent: Ann Jervis (Canada)
Stephan Witetschek (Germany), ‘Distanz und Teilhabe: Positionierungen gegenüber römischer
Herrschaft und hellenistischer Normalität in der Johannesapokalypyse’ – respondent: Fabian Santiago (guest, Mexico)
6. ‘The Mission and Expansion of Earliest Christianity’ (Eugene Eung-Chun Park, Paul Trebilco and Gosnell Yorke) –
terminates in 2021
(Alter Senatssaal/Biegenstraße 10, Room 01029)
Eugene Eung-Chun Park (USA), ‘Katallagē as a new paradigm of Paul’s understanding of his apostolic mission in Second
Corinthians’ – respondent: Gosnell Yorke (Zambia)
Manabu Tsuji (Japan), ‘“Suffering as a Christian’ (1 Peter 4:16): Christian identity in the early Christian mission’ –
respondent: Paul Trebilco (New Zealand)
Rachael Tan (guest, Taiwan), ‘The Carmen Christi in Early Christianity and an Alternative Reading of Philippians 2:5-11
with Emphasis on Phroneō and Paul’s Perspective on Humiliation and Exaltation’ – respondent: Vicky Balabanski (Australia)
7. ‘Hebrews’ (Christian Eberhart and Wolfgang Kraus) – terminates in 2020
(Sprachatlas/Pilgrimstein 16, Room:
Hermut Löhr (Germany), ‘Der Hebräerbrief und die “Zweite Sophistik”: Zu Einleitungsfragen des Hebräerbriefs / Hebrews and
the “Second Sophistic”: On Introductory Matters of Hebrews’– respondent: Gabriella Gelardini (Switzerland)
Mary Ann Beavis (Canada), ‘Intention and Purpose of Hebrews / Absicht und Zielsetzung des Hebräerbriefs’ – respondent:
Wolfgang Kraus (Germany)
Christian Grappe (France), ‘Absicht und Zielsetzung des Hebräerbriefs / Intention and Purpose of Hebrews’ – respondent:
James Thompson (USA)
8. ‘Social History and the New Testament’ (Hermut Löhr, Markus Öhler and Anders Runesson) – terminates in
(HG +1/0040)
Alexander Weiss (guest, Germany): ‘Jesus, Paul and the Augustan Marriage Laws’ – respondent: Margaret MacDonald
Lutz Doering (Germany), ‘Jewish Law in Antiquity: Between Norm and Praxis’ – respondent: Karin Hedner Zetterholm
Albert Harrill (USA), ‘Laying Down the Law for All: Hellenistic Circular Edicts (ἐντολαί) and the Epistolary Form of
Ephesians’ – respondent: Bärbel Bosenius (Germany)
9. ‘The Phenomenon of Pseudepigraphy’ (Christine Gerber and Adela Yarbro Collins) – terminates in
(HG +1/0050)
Olivia Stewart Lester (guest, USA), ‘Second Temple Jewish literature’ – respondent: John Collins (USA)
Martina Janßen (Germany), ‘Greek Literature’ – respondent: Annette Merz (Netherlands)
Adela Yarbro Collins (USA), ‘Roman Religion in Latin’ – respondent: Stefan Krauter (Germany)
10. ‘Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: Reassessment and Roads Forward’ (Simon Butticaz, Jens Schröter and Janet
Spittler) – terminates in 2023
(Kunstbau/Biegenstraße 11, Room: 02010)
Bart Ehrman (USA), ‘Katabasis in the Acts of Thomas’
Janet Spittler (USA), ‘Resurrection in the Acts of John’ – respondent: Silke Petersen (Germany). Joint session with
seminar 17 Resurrection: New Methods and Approaches
Rémi Gounelle (guest, France), ‘Les Actes Apocryphes des Apôtres: des textes énigmatique’
11. ‘Papyrology, Epigraphy and the New Testament’ (Peter Arzt-Grabner and James Harrison) – terminates in
(Sprachatlas/Pilgrimstein 16, Room: +2/0400)
James Harrison (Australia) ‘The Ephesian Citizenship Decrees and the New Testament Understanding of an Alternative
Peter Malik (guest, Germany), ‘P.Beatty III (P47) and Company: Reinvestigating the Papyri of the Johannine Apocalypse’ –
respondent: Tommy Wasserman (Sweden). Joint session with seminar 13 New Testament Textual Criticism
Philip Esler (UK), ‘Joseph’s Marital Problem (Matthew 1:18-25) in Light of Judean Legal Papyri’
12. ‘Reading Paul’s Letters in Context: Theological and Social-Scientific Approaches’ (William Campbell and Judith
Gundry) – terminates in 2021
(HG 00/0080)
John Barclay (UK), ‘Koinonia and the Theological Basis of Sociality in Paul’ – respondent: Korinna Zamfir
Thomas Blanton (USA), ‘Was Paul a Skēnopoios: A Critical Assessment of the Linguistic and Literary Evidence’ –
respondent: Todd Still (USA)
Daniel Boyarin (USA), ‘Mark and Paul: A Surprising Convergence’ – respondent: Robert Brawley (USA)
13. ‘New Testament Textual Criticism’ (Claire Clivaz, Hugh Houghton and Tommy Wasserman) – terminates in
(Sprachatlas/Pilgrimstein 16, Room: 102)
Hugh Houghton (UK), ‘Codex Zacynthius: New Light on the Oldest New Testament Catena Manuscript’ – respondent: Claire
Clivaz (Switzerland)
Peter Malik (guest, Germany), ‘P.Beatty III (P47) and Company: Reinvestigating the Papyri of the Johannine Apocalypse’ –
respondent: Tommy Wasserman (Sweden). Joint session with seminar 11 Papyrology, Epigraphy and the New Testament
Ulrich Schmid (Germany), ‘The oldest edition of a (Latin) New Testament – Codex Fuldensis (Fulda, Bonifatiushandschrift
1)’ – respondent: Annette Hüffmeier (guest, Germany)
14. ‘Memory, Narrative and Christology in the Synoptic Gospels’ (Samuel Byrskog, David du Toit and Stephen Hultgren)
– terminates in 2021
(HG +2/0100)
Simon Butticaz (Switzerland), ‘Israel, Jesus and the Apostles: the Lukan Memory of Christian Origins / Israël, Jésus et
les apôtres: la mémoire des origines selon Luc’
David du Toit (Germany), ‘From Rudolf Bultmann to Memory Theory: Reflections on the Problem of the Modalities of
Transmission in the Synoptic Tradition’
Risto Uro (Finland), ‘Ritual, Memory and Early Christian Tradition’
15. ‘Philo and Early Christianity’ (Per Jarle Bekken and Greg Sterling) – terminates in 2022
(Biegenstraße 12, Room: 0014)
Florian Wilk (Germany), ‘Einflüsse von oder Parallelen zu philonischem Denken im ersten Korintherbrief des
Athanasios Despotis (Germany), ‘Aspects of Cultural Hybridity in Philo’s Anthropology and a Short Comparison with the
Human Condition in John’
Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr (Germany), ‘Der Philosoph Hans Leisegang als Philon-Forscher’
16. ‘Acta Politica: The Book of Acts and the Political Culture of the Roman Empire’ (Knut Backhaus, Carl Holladay and
Daniel Marguerat) – terminates in 2021
(HG +2/0110)
David Balch (USA), ‘Luke-Acts as Political Biography/History: A Conversation with Prof. Hubert Cancik’ – respondent: Carl
Holladay (USA)
Sabine Müller (guest, Germany), ‘Jerusalem und der Alexanderroman (Jerusalem and the Alexander Romance)’ – respondent:
Knut Backhaus (Germany)
Michal Beth Dinkler (USA), ‘The Politics of Stephen’s Storytelling: Narrative Rhetoric and Reflexivity in the Context of
Empire’ – respondent: Michael Wolter (Germany)
17. ‘Resurrection: New Methods and Approaches’ (Shelly Matthews and Daniel Smith) – terminates in
(Kunstbau/Biegenstraße 11, Room: 01018)
Deborah Prince (guest, USA), ‘Do Appearances Matter? Navigating the Complexities of Seeing the Risen Jesus’ – respondent:
Daniel Smith (Canada)
Janet Spittler (USA), ‘Resurrection in the Acts of John’ – respondent: Silke Petersen (Germany). Joint session with
seminar 10 Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
Fred Tappenden (guest, Canada), ‘“In my Flesh I am Filling up what is Lacking …”: Cognitive and Mnemonic Aspects of
Resurrection and the Pauline Body’ – respondent: Alexey Somov (Russia)
18. ‘Reading Galatians in New Perspectives. Methods and Approaches’ (Martin Meiser, Dieter Sänger and Korinna
Zamfir) – terminates in 2021
(Kunstbau/Biegenstraße 11, Room: 00014a)
- Michael Bachmann (Germany), ‘Die Opponenten des Paulus im Galaterbrief. Alte und neue Zugänge’
- Felix John (guest, Germany), ‘Kontextualisierung der paulinischen Gemeinden in der Galatia’
- Martin Meiser (Germany), ‘Self-authorization and self-stylization. A feature of Paul’s literal strategy in the Galatian Conflict’
Will not take place in
2019: ‘Early Jewish Theologies and the New Testament’ (Jens Herzer and Gerbern Oegema).